Sullivan’s Island
No public restrooms or showers
No lifeguards on duty
Alcohol is not permitted on the beach
Dogs are allowed off leash on the beach from 5-10 a.m. and on leash from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. May 1 to Sept. 30.
All dogs visiting the island must have a dog permit and
wear the town-issued collar while on Sullivan’s Island.
Permits and collars are available at Town Hall, 2050-B Middle St.; 843-883-3198.
Complete beach rules:
Kiawah Island
Much of the island & its beaches are private
Public beachfront can be accessed via Kiawah Beachwalker Park on the west end of the island.
Restrooms, picnic areas with grills and boardwalks available.
Parking fees vary by season.
The fee you’ll pay is $10 per vehicle Monday to Friday and $15 on Saturday and Sunday.
Lifeguards are on duty seasonally
Dogs must be leashed at all times.
Folly Beach
Plenty of restaurants, surf shops, hotels and beach rentals
Summertime traffic can be extra heavy so plan to arrive by 10 a.m.
Alcohol is not allowed on Folly Beach.
Dogs are not allowed on the beach from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Sept. 30. Other times, dogs must be leashed.
Between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. May 15 to Sept. 15, NO surfing 2nd Street East to 3rd Street West (the swimming zone).
Surfing without a leash is prohibited.
Complete beach rules:
Isle of Palms IOP
Limited parking is available at Folly Beach County Park (1100 W. Ashley Ave.), arrive early . Metered parking is available on Ocean Boulevard near Front Beach between 10th and 14th avenues.
Parking fees vary by season. The most you’ll pay is $10 per vehicle Monday to Friday and $15 on Saturday and Sunday.
Ocean Boulevard from 10th Avenue to 14th Avenue is set aside for beachgoers and is known as “front beach.”
Access the beach via the park, where you’ll be close to restrooms, outdoor showers, a snack bar and lifeguards.
Alcohol is not allowed on the beach.
Dogs are allowed off leash on the beach from 5-9 a.m. April 1 to Sept. 14 and from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sept. 15 to March 31. At all other times, dogs must be on a leash – even in the water.
More info and complete beach rules:

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South Carolina : Other Charleston Area Programs Public Beach Access
Such a deal! In South Carolina, all beaches, as decreed by State Law, are public property. For those in the know, this means that a visit to the beach doesn't have to include paying a parking fee. In the Charleston area alone you'll find over 150 beach access paths throughout our barrier islands: Isle of Palms, Sullivan's Island, Folly Beach or Edisto Beach. There is also a $5 parking lot at most locations for convenience, but it is easy to seek out one of the many access paths and park on the streetside. Be sure to follow parking rules (you'll usually be asked to park at least 4' from the pavement).
For more information about Public Beach Access in South Carolina click below:
"South Carolina Public Beach Access Guide"
South Carolina : Other Charleston Area Programs
Isle of Palms & Sullivans Island
Includes The Journal of Nesting Activity for the current year and a link to Mary Alice Monroe's beautiful Loggerhead Photo Journal.
Kiawah Island
A comprehensive chronicle of Kiawah's sea turtle protection program.
South Carolina Aquarium
Partnering with SC/DNR, the SC Aquarium in Charleston provides vital support for turtle rescue, rehab and release programs.
Folly Beach - Folly Beach Turtle Watch Program
Folly Beach - Folly Beach Turtle Watch Program
Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) crawl onto the beach at Folly between May and September to lay eggs. Females nest between 2 and 5 times in one season and do not return for two to three years to repeat the nesting cycle. It is believed that they nest on the beach where they were hatched decades earlier. Therefore, the sustainability of nesting at Folly is dependent upon proper management of these nesting sights.
Because Folly Beach is prone to severe erosion and the dune system is unstable, the nesting sites are precarious and require daily monitoring. Mother turtles come ashore at night to lay approximately 100 eggs. The eggs incubate for 45 to 60 days. Hatchlings emerge, usually at night when sand temperatures cool and the chance of predation is lessened. Before their protein-packed burst of energy is depleated, they must swim to the shelter of Gulf Stream sargassam floats thirty miles away.
In recent years, loggerhead sea turtles nesting at Folly Beach have produced
3200 hatchlings from 38 nests (1998)
4084 hatchlings from 45 nests (1999)
3094 hatchlings from 41 nests (2000)
Even with the best of nest conservation efforts, it is estimated that only about 1 of 1000 hatchlings will live to adult reproductive age.